digital design - Design Digital no Ano lectivo de 2020

1º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS
TDADM04 Media Discourse Analysis 4,0
TDDRG05 Design and Graphic Representation 6,0
TDFID03 Photography and Digital Imaging 6,0
TDPM06 Advertising and Marketing 4,0
TDSI02 Information Systems 5,0
TDTC01 Communication Theories 4,0
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS
TDCID11 Image Composition and Digital Illustration 6,0
TDEDD09 Ethics and Design Deontology 3,0
TDNM12 New Media 6,0
TDPA07 Audiovisual Production 6,0
TDPC08 Psychology of Communication 4,0
TDTD10 Design Theories 6,0
2º Ano
Tronco Comum
1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS
TDDPDD17 Devolopment an Evaluation of Projects in DD 6,0
TDDMI13 Multimedia Design and Interactivity 4,0
TDEG14 Graphic Design 6,0
TDED15 Entrepreneurship Applied to Design 4,0
TDOM20 Multimedia Objects 6,0
TDSGC18 Content Management Systems 4,0
2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS
TDE19 Internship 30,0